"Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of God." - Havilah Cunnington
Have items and clothing you wish to donate? We will gladly take any donations here at The Marketplace.
How it Works :
Are you local to the Fairfield County or Westchester area? You are more than welcome to bring your donations during our regular store hours.
Did you just purge all those clothes you don’t wear anymore? Are you trying to get rid of those pieces that have been sitting in your basement for years? Is your attic packed and you just want to empty it? Do you have items that you think we’ll love here at the store?
Come and donate to The Marketplace!
What We Like :
What do you have? We love clothes, jewelry, kitchenware, accessories, and of course anything vintage or retro. Please keep in mind the condition of your items. Make sure the pieces you are planning to donate are “clean”. Please no items with stains, holes, excessive stretching or missing/broken parts or pieces.
Also, please keep in mind the temperature outside. We like summer things in summer and Winter items in winter. If we had the space to take it all during all the seasons, we would! Items that you do not wish us to resell or items we decide not to keep at the store will be passed on and re-homed to where there is a need in the community.